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Measure C: what it does and why we need.

Yes on C for Clean, Common-Sense Elections

Currently, even if only two candidates or fewer run for a San Diego School Board seat, we hold both Primary and General elections. It’s confusing, costly, and easily manipulated by special interest schemes. Measure C fixes this by ensuring elections are decided only in November when a majority votes.

Hold Elections When Most People Vote.

The current system lets special interests tilt elections with big spending in low-turnout primaries that yield warped, undemocratic results. Measure C moves one-on-one elections to November, when most voters cast ballots, limiting election manipulation and ensuring a true majority chooses our local leaders.

Consistent, Common-Sense Election Rules.

Not one other school district or city in California holds these confusing, costly, easily co-opted primary elections. Measure C aligns election rules for San Diego Schools with San Diego County’s process, holding contests for two or fewer candidates in November general elections only. Measure C is clean, consistent and common-sense.

Recommended By Ethics Watchdogs.

San Diego’s top ethics expert says Measure C is a “good government reform that’s good for democracy”. San Diego’s Classroom Teachers urge YES on C because “public schools and students shouldn’t pay the price for special interest schemes.”

Simple. Saves Our Schools Money.

The City Charter bizarrely requires primary elections even when a candidate runs unopposed. It confuses voters and this year cost taxpayers $286,000 for pointless primaries in two uncontested seats. Measure C ensures elections are decided in November only. It’s simple and saves more school dollars for our schools.